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    L-4018 Esch-Sur-Alzette

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    Aviso legal

    Home 3D & Co / Aviso legal

    According to the french law of January 6, 1978,every user has a right to access, correct and delete information about him.
    Pursuant to this law, you have the right to oppose (art. 26 of the law), access (art. 34-38 of the law) and rectify (art. 36 of the law) data about you. So, you could require to update or delete information about you that is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, outdated or whose collection or use, disclosure or storage is prohibited. To do so, send us an email at :

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    This site and its content are protected under the Code of intellectual property, in particular copyright and trademark rights. Any reproduction or integral or partial representation, texts, photos and / or documents, made without the prior written consent of Home3dco is illegal and constitutes an infringement punishable by law. Despite the care taken in building this site and its regular updates,errors may be present in the presented information. The users will therefore make any necessary checks. The available information on this site are only for reference and are not contractual. In this regard, Home3dco can not accept any claim for compensation for direct or indirect damage suffered by the user. The links set up within the site towards other resources on the Internet and, in particular, to partners, are clearly identified and are the subject of information and / or prior authorization of these websites. The links to other resources on Internet do not engage Home3dco responsibility. We can not be held liable for damages resulting from the interpretation or use of the information on the websites with which links are created with our site. Users can under no circumstances create a link to the our site without the prior written consent of Home3dco. Any requests must be addressed to the director of publication.

    Home3dco Lda
    Rua Prudêncio Franco da Trinidade, 4
    2655-210 Ericeira, Portugal
    Pt : (+351) 914 909 738
    Fr : (+33) 669 665 757

    Edito :

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    Editorial credits :

    Design & development:
    Le site a été réalisé par l’agence Li-Nó design

    Hosting :
    Li-Nó design
    Calçadinha do Tijolo, 18
    1100-608 Lisboa